Illegal Parking Enforcement System
Illegal Parking Enforcement System
The TOPCAM 3000/3001 scan for vehicles in a designated area using cameras. They are installed in areas where parking or stopping is prohibited, and when they detect a violation, information about the violating vehicle, such as the license plate number and duration of parking/stopping, is transmitted to a control center.
- TOPCAM 3000(HD Type) / TOPCAM 3001 (Analog Camera Type)
- Main Features
Automatic enforcement
- Video detection
- Track and zoom-in/-out of identification area
Manual transmission
- Monitor prohibited section and track location of violating vehicle at the center
- Auto focus and capture of Zoom, Pan/Tilt at manual area designation
- Manual control by operator
- Alarm for the vehicle under control or violating
Center operation
- Control and monitor multiple areas with diverse screen splits
- Send auto voice announcement and text message
- Auto control according to schedule
- View the vehicle information, levy penalty and issue notice
Vehicle detection
Violation data